CSP Magazine  Snacks Supplement

Supplied art from Hawk Krall was superimposed onto a stock cookie bag image, then the bag was colored and had effects added to create a mock product for the cover story.  Shown above is an automated slideshow case study of this photo composition from start to finish.

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CSP Magazine  Snacks Supplement

Supplied art from Hawk Krall was superimposed onto a stock cookie bag image, then the bag was colored and had effects added to create a mock product for the cover story.  Shown above is an automated slideshow case study of this photo composition from start to finish.

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CSP Magazine  Snacks Supplement

Supplied art from Hawk Krall was superimposed onto a stock cookie bag image, then the bag was colored and had effects added to create a mock product for the cover story.  Shown above is an automated slideshow case study of this photo composition from start to finish.

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